AME's Grand Jury is comprised of strategy experts, industry thought leaders, innovative creatives, and branding experts who are award-winning executives who thoroughly understand the partnership between creativity and effectiveness.They are respected globally as executives who bring innovation, industry expertise, and a 360-degree global perspective to the judging panel.
2022 AME Grand Jury member Patrick Castrejón is Content Strategist for Ogilvy Mexico, he brings years of experience to the jury panel. Patrick works with two prominent global brands: Ferrero Rocher & Citibanamex, creating Digital & Social Media strategies and campaigns which connect with costumers and users in a deep level, leading a creative and an account team all together. His multi-facted experience as a graphic designer, a content creator, filmmaker and film editor, motion graphic designer, copywriter, content manager, digital strategist and most recently, as a Content Lead/Strategist provides him with a perspective about how brands, media and customers/users perceive the world outside and inside the platforms... digital or physical.
In the interview below Patrick shares mediums in the forefront this year, the evolution of brand messaging, emerging technological trends and much more.
AME Awards: What stand-out attributes do you recognize in award-winning creative effective advertising?
Patrick Castrejón: First of all it has to appeal to people’s gut. In my opinion, besides being memorable, it has to make you feel something… it has to be meaningful, even if it seems dull and superficial. Afterwards, it has to be innovative and seamless. Most of all it needs to be crafted for regular people, not for publicists or advertisers.
AME Awards: Why are effectiveness competitions like the AME Awards important?
Patrick Castrejón: I woulds say it sets the standard for the industry. Entries for each category and prize has a lot of value for (and from) creativity, so it give us a sight of how we can become borederless and imaginative. Also, it brings light to talents in the industry from all over the world.
AME Awards: Speak to the evolution of brand positioning, values, and tone of voice during the past few years.
Patrick Castrejón: Past few years have been rough and dizzy… since COVID-19 pandemic started (and even before then), brands became aware of how tech innovation could bring people (and brands themselves) together, so I believe their values, tone of voice and even their cores have turned into something more human-like, more appealing and towarded to real life experiences, instead of false claims and aspirations.
AME Awards: How has brand messaging evolved and succeeded these past few years?
Patrick Castrejón: Adding to what I explained in my last answer, I think trying to be more authentic and less perfect, the way brands communicate have evolved to become somehow as a friend, not just a plastic-product that tries to sell something.
AME Awards: What innovations are changing the way agencies engage consumers on behalf of brands?
Patrick Castrejón: Social Media is clearly one of those quick answers, such things are happening right now as Meta universe or TikTok growth are just a few sights of it. Also digital exploration, VR/AR applications are really good ways we as agencies can bring consumers/users together with brands and products.
AME Awards: What new technological trends have emerged and how have they helped deliver creative and effective results?
Patrick Castrejón: AR filters, not-a-doubt… also seamless technology such as voice-recognition, geo-location segmentation, gaming and streaming services (live or not) are just some of them. All of those bring a lot of value for people and if you know how to use them to put brand on the center of it (preferably subtle) people will start consuming the brand without even asking.
AME Awards: What mediums will be front and center in 2022?
Patrick Castrejón: Social Media will keep on top of it: TikTok, Instagram, Twitter & Youtube. Gaming & Streaming: Fortnite, LoL, Twitch, Discord.
AME Awards: Why did you agree to participate on this year’s AME Grand Jury and What do you hope to learn by viewing entries into this competition?
Patrick Castrejón: I believe there’s a lot of talent over there, and I would love to be someone who can bring light to it. I hope I can amplify my perspective and learn new ways to communicate… not only for advertising, but to connect with people.
AME Awards: What advice would offer to potential entrants on earning an AME Award?
Patrick Castrejón: Be open to what world gives you every day and be grateful, because if you could make somenone laugh, smile or cry with what you put out there… you’re the luckiest person.