AME's Grand Jury of CMO's, CEO's CCO's Strategy Directors, Managing Directors, and other prominent executives are some of the world’s most respected creative and strategic minds in advertising and marketing communications.They bring a global perspective and years of industry experience to the AME jury panel. Known for working on award-winning campaigns for prominent clients, their campaigns deliver ground-breaking creative and impressive results for the brand.
2022 AME Grand Jury member Kimbo Kevin Brenes is Chief Creative Officer at Madison DDB, he has worked for such prominent global brands as Saba, Nevax, Tena, Quiznos, Viagra, Pepsi Gatorade, Multiplaza, Grupo Roble,Taco Bell, Honda, Pfizer, Cargill, KFC, PF Chang's ,Bimbo, Gollo, and Banco. He brings 8 years of industry experience to the jury panel and has earned accolades in top-tier competitons including Cannes Lions, The One Show, Clio, The Immortal Awards, Andy, New York Festival, El Ojo de Iberoamérica, Festival el Sol, Fiap, Effie Latam, Effie Costa Rica, Festival Caribe, Festival Volcán and Young Lions, adding more than 41 national and international awards.
In the interview below Kimbo shares his perspective on effectiveness competitions, the evolution of brand positioning, values and tone of voice these past few years, and sage advice to potential entrants.
AME Awards: Why are effectiveness competitions like the AME Awards important?
Kimbo Kevin Brenes: I believe that the most important thing in the world of advertising and marketing is that the ideas we propose solve the problems or needs of both brands and their consumers. The moment an idea hits the streets, no matter how incredible it is to advertisers, if it doesn't achieve its goal, it's not functional and therefore not good. Effectiveness is the fundamental pillar to consider whether an idea is good or not. Since, without it, it is just smoke, a reward for the ego that failed to fulfill its mission.
AME Awards: Speak to the evolution of brand positioning, values, and tone of voice during the past few years.
Kimbo Kevin Brenes:The world is changing at an accelerated pace and brands cannot be left behind. We live in a time where the consumer is more demanding, complicated, and variable, but who certainly seek to be surprised, listened to, and expect brands to act in their fight to make this world a better one. Today the brands that stand out are those that swim against the current, those that leave the advertising landscape and that manage to remove the fear of doing something they have never seen before. Positioning is achieved by respecting and understanding the values and culture of each consumer, this humanizes brands and makes them much closer to people who seek to identify themselves with a message. Finally, evolution comes when we understand that we must be on the side of our consumers, understand what things or ideals they fight for, how we can break with injustices, how we can support their needs and promote solutions to their causes, this is the key to build a strong bond.
AME Awards: How has brand messaging evolved and succeeded these past few years?
Kimbo Kevin Brenes:
1) Brands are changing their traditional behavior and are risking doing the unexpected.
2) Brand messages are more aligned to the contexts that surround them and understand the potential to capitalize on cultural moments in a meaningful way.
3) They are more aligned with their consumers and in favor of resolving and fighting against the injustices that are experienced daily.
AME Awards: What advice would offer to potential entrants on earning an AME Award?
Kimbo Kevin Brenes: It's always good to repeatedly challenge ideas to see how great and effective they really are and how they can be improved. Think about how those ideas spark conversation or positively impact people. If they are ideas that they would share on their social networks or with their friends. If they generate brand love. If they are really helping to solve the need of the client and their brand. If they are responsible with the environment or if they promote inclusion and diversity. If they generate economic income and finally, if they achieve a creative reputation.