AME’s Grand Jury is the powerhouse behind the prestigious AME Awards, their high standard of excellence ensures that AME’s 26-year legacy is upheld and respected globally both by winners and industry reports measuring creative distinction.
Grand Jury member, Bruno Cunha, Strategy VP for 360i New York oversees a team responsible for breaking new ground for brands. Experienced in multiple disciplines, industries and cultures, he’s played key roles across global campaigns and in numerous award-winning projects. Having served as Head of Planning for Ogilvy Brazil and with an international background, that includes the UK and Buenos Aires, Bruno believes in the power of brands in shaping a better world.
AME Awards: As a strategic creative, what do ads that have taken the brief and turned it into a campaign that transforms opinions, evokes action and raises the bar for the brand have in common?
Bruno Cunha:The ads that transform opinions and evoke actions tend to push against some kind of tension. They have the ability to tap into the zeitgeist and explore themes, issues and realities that are underlying or bubbling up. This makes the work resonate strongly with people and drives cultural relevance. Add to that, brilliant ideas and masterful executions, that make them get noticed and stand out, ultimately getting people to actually care and talk about them.
AME Awards: In your opinion, what work by which brands have impressed you with brave creative and effective work?
Bruno Cunha: I’ve been impressed and keeping track of the fast food category. Obviously, a lot of the Burger King work and their approach to creating hits, one after the other. KFC also, consistently having fun and refreshing their take on Colonel Sanders, going back to their heritage and playing with it. The rotating case of actors playing his role and their activity on social media, I like the fresh approach they pivoted to. I like Wendy’s take on social too, how they just go for it, roasting customers, competitors and other brands, lighting up the internet. Taco Bell too, setting up a pop-up Hotel that sold-out in 2 minutes… an awesome example of a bigger than life brand experience. And McDonald’s, exploring the iconicity that is heart to its brand, putting out brave ideas across the globe. It’s a particularly buzzy and impressive category right now.
AME Awards: What will you be looking for when judging the 2020 AME Awards?
Bruno Cunha: When judging, I’ll be looking for three main things. First, ideas that are solving a business problem or helping alleviate social issues. Secondly, ideas that make people feel something, that unlock some kind of human emotion. Thirdly, ideas that are pushing the game forward, ideas that break through our advertising clutter.
AME Awards: What is your all time, favorite most creative and effective ad and/or ads and why in your opinion did they triumph?
Bruno Cunha: Mama Lucchetti is one of my favorite campaigns. Created by Mother Buenos Aires, it refreshed and transformed a traditional Argentinean pasta brand. With a cast of distinctively fun, animated characters, the ads are rooted in family situations and instances of everyday life that reflect what moms go through daily. Consistently, year after year, ad after ad, it just keeps going… leveraging the brand into pop culture and certainly helping grow the business.